Penelope Morout
Penelope Morout

Graduated from the Greek National School of Dance and the School of Architecture in National Technical University of Athens, as well as holding a Master’s in Theatre Practices from ArtEZ University of the Arts (NL), Penelope Morout is an interdisciplinary dance artist, who is intrigued by creating hybrid artworks through the fusion of diverse techniques (dance-performance-theatre, architecture & set design, video art & animation, drawing).
In 2019, she participated in the International Exhibition HUMAN RIGHTS? | THE FUTURE’S SHAPE #WomenCanSaveTheWorld in Trento (Italy) with her short dance film Ophelia, as well as created her solo H.I.I.T. | High-Intensity Identity Training (ReA!Art Fair, Milan). For the latter, she used herself as a case-study experiment for a year and incorporated in her daily routine two regimens (Intermittent Fasting and High-Intensity Interval Training), in order to draw attention to how the human body is constantly put to work in the service of branding and marketing strategies and, therefore, becomes a means of constructing an identity which is impelled to comply to the social, political, and cultural needs of its time. She has designed her own physical movement workshop “Sculpting Body-Images” and has taught at MUDA Arts Centre (Belgium), at Murate Art District (Florence) and at 27th Kalamata Dance Festival (Fighting Monkey 50+).
In February 2021, Penelope founded Cross iMPact Company, an organization which emerged from the deep belief that artistic innovation can be found in the meeting points between diverse art forms and techniques and that art is capable of producing a fundamental impact, in both the individual and the community. Always placing the body of both spectator and performer in the centre of attention, Cross iMPact Company aspires to create bonds between multidisciplinary artists and international artistic communities to challenge, problematize and establish essential dialogue between performers, artworks and spectators, particularly in issues concerning social and cultural identities, discrimination and human rights. For 2021-2022, her new multidisciplinary performance “THE BOX” has received financial support from the Greek Ministry of Culture and Sports.