
Arina Trostyanetskaya


Graduated at Vaganova Ballet Academy, firstly as a dancer, and later on as a teacher and choreographer.

She attended Rudra Bejart, Lausanne, where she had a chance to work with Maurice Bejart. This experience helped her to transition towards contemporary dance.
Arina worked at  theatres such as the Netherlands Theater II, Danish Dance Theatre, performing in works by Jiri Kylian, Ohad Naharin, Alexander Ekman, Hans Van Manen, Paul Lightfoot and Sol Leon, Örjan Andersson, Tim Rushton,  Itzik Galili and Fabio Liberti.

Over the last few years Arina has been freelancing as a dancer and choreographer and has been regularly teaching at Skånes Dansteater, Norrdans, Danscentrum and Balettacademien in Stockholm and Gothenburg, Dansehallerne and Danish Dance Theatre in Copenhagen and other professional companies and educational institutes in Europe and Russia.