On the 13rd of November, on the occasion of the Loop Festival – City Screen, the Human Signs exhibition by Yuval Avital, a global participatory voice and gesture, has been inaugurated at Espronceda Institute of Art & Culture, Barcelona, curated by Savina Tarsitano with the collaboration of exhibition designer Maddalena D’Alfonso.
The exhibition is a world preview, not only of the collaboration of 213 artists in 50 countries, of the great choral and monumental work of Human Signs but also a meeting with the artist Yuval Avital, a dialogue between the participatory project at a global level and the artist in his emotional intimacy.
The Human Signs is composed by – immersive polyptych installation composed by 7 parallel projections, 7 audio channels of 213 artists-testimonies, 5 Human Signs Live Grid performances and 8 ensembles of HumanSigns Mantra by Yuval Avital.
In the exhibition the spectator can immerse himself completely and be part of the exhibition, discover hisfrailties, fears, and find himself in a familiar environment of his own home. On this occasion, the artistdismembered the Human Signs Grid and for the first time he has created the Domestic Grids (Domestic Gridsof Wellness, Domestic Grids of Flowers and Textile, Domestic Grids of Nutrition andConservation, Domestic Grids of Casual Reading, Domestic Grids of Laziness, Domestic grids of Electricity and Random Object, Domestic Grids of Cuttlering, Domestic Grids of Dinner Table, Domestic Grids of Sanification, Sawing and Magic, Domestic Grid of Pharmaceutical) made withdifferent personal objects that represent the daily life of each of us, from the kitchen, to the bathroom, bedroom, food, entertainment, cutlery, books, each grill becomes a world where people can stop to immerse himself in his own emotional world surrounded by the choral work of the 213 artists on video.
The artist wanted to recreate that house where each of us had been closed during the lockdown; those walls that welcomed silence, fear and a thousand stories from all over the world. The exhibition is transformed into ajourney, into a work in motion and in transition, where the audience can meet the artist through his drawings, paintings traced on the floor, from the site-installation, moments of intimacy and life.
In this constellation of bodies, voices, A Door to Human – experiential room has been inaugurated too, a place to immerse oneself with the Mantra by Yuval Avital, an intimate place that welcomes those who fearlessly listen to their heart and let their body speak or give voice to their own soul. The exhibition presented at Espronceda is not only an emotional journey, but also a collective work that dialogues with the most intimate soul of the artist,a dialogue, a solo exhibition, an encounter, everything is transformed into a perfect harmony where each element finds its reason for existing, and where every spectator can experience this journey, following the indications – the 10 rules of Yuval Avital that indicate the way to follow to be part of this monumental work, likea note in a great symphony.
Savina Tarsitano, Curator.