
Anna Maria Prina


Anna Maria Prina is an Italian artist and dance teacher, who lives in Milano.

Graduated from the Ballet School of the Teatro alla Scala, she was chosen to receive further training at the Bolshoi Theatre in Moscow and at the Marinskiy Theatre in San Petersburg.

She started her professional career in 1960, when she joined the Corps de Ballet of the Teatro alla Scala, performing all the traditional solo roles of the classic, neoclassic and contemporary repertoire for the most well-known artists like Rudolf Nureev, Roland Petit, George Balanchine, Frederic Ashton and many others.

In 1974 Madame Prina is appointed Director of La Scala Ballet School, a position she held until her resignation in 2006. She has left a strong footprint in the school that graduated many excellent students, who now hold prominent roles in theatres all over the world and some outstanding stars, like Massimo Murru and Roberto Bolle.

In 1979 the “Ministero della Pubblica Istruzione” (Italian Ministry of Education) conferred her the “Diploma of Maestro di I Grado”, and the official qualification of teacher of  “Chiara Fama” (Great Renoun).

Besides her role of Director and teacher for Diploma students, Anna Prina is also a choreographer, who has worked for La Scala Opera productions and for other international Theatres. She was the author and choreographer of La Scala ballet school annual performance, especially dedicated to Italian schools.

In 1996 she promoted and supervised the construction of a new building totally dedicated to the La Scala Ballet School in via Campo Lodigiano, Milano, opened in January 1998. She was, above all, instrumental in obtaining the sponsorship from the San Paolo di Torino Foundation.

At national and international level, Madame Prina collaborates with several Dance Institutions and foundations. As Jury member and President, she took part in various competitions and international ballet contests, such as the “Prix de Lausanne”, the “Moscow, Nagoya and Bejing competition”.

Since 2013 she is the leader teacher of training courses for dance teachers sponsored by Regione Lombardia (Regional Governmental authority) and held in Milan, Teatro Oscar.

Anna Prina is currently member the Board of Wiseducation Inc., Los Angeles.

In her career, Anna Prina has received many prizes and important recognitions for her distinguished activity, both as an artist and as a teacher. She is the author of the two volumes book Corso di Danza Classica (by editor Gremese), a technical manual for dance teachers, and is an active contributor to dance publications and encyclopaedias.

Her dedication to the diffusion of the culture of dance is especially meant to the growth of young people, the dancers of tomorrow.


<< At first it seemed a little madness to go back to the improvisation that I had practiced for years after the years spent at La Scala, and also a challenge with myself. It seemed to me an act of courage to let myself go and submit myself to the gaze of others, in particular of my former students who participated in this large and international project that is Human Signs.
Then I got involved within Yuval’s Mantra, which made me express different sensations and emotions that had remained numbed inside me…!! Thanks Yuval!!!>>